Managing local jars with maven
Maven has for me a non user friendly documentation, with 80% of xml content. For long time I have been stuck in how easily manage both dependency from maven central and from local jars.
Maven has for me a non user friendly documentation, with 80% of xml content. For long time I have been stuck in how easily manage both dependency from maven central and from local jars.
I have for long time being disapointed with evince pdf reader with it's lack of capacity to zoom in and out. The same happened with foxit reader and its lack of history management in its linux version.
Termite is way better than my previous terminals. It's sensibly based on vim paradigm. It's able to look ahead in the history, copy from it and back to insert mode.
Here are some Apache Yarn consideratoins.
hbase looks a powerfull tool in complement of hive. While hive suits well for ETL and data historisation, it cannot offer sub-second access to thousand of concurrent users.
Hive introduced ACID statement: INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE & MERGE. It turns-out HIVE 1.2.x is not optimised enough to support MERGE efficiently. An in depth documentation can be found there
After 4 years of postgresql management, I d'like to relate my experience.
Prestodb is a cool distributed engine over hadoop. It can be compared to hive LLAP, impala or apache DRILL for fast in-memory OLAP analysis and data discovery.
Spark is a Swiss Army Knife of a hadoop stack. It makes glue between tools and is a de-facto interface for them.
Hive has several advantages over other Datawarehouse solutions.